Fasco 103 LVX Epoxy Resin System

        Fasco 103 LVX Epoxy Resin System

        SKU: 103LVX

        Fasco 103 LVX Epoxy Resin System

        Not rated yet
        • $46.99
        In stock(25 items available)

        Mixes: 2:1 Ratio — Slow & Regular Hardener

        Description & Uses:
        103-LVX Epoxy laminating resin is a new and improved lamination epoxy. It provides high
        tensile strength while maintaining a very low viscosity to aid in wetting out fiberglass. This
        enables the laminator to produce high tensile strength lay-ups with maximum “wetting
        out” and a minimum of bubbles.
        103 LVX can be used on warehouse docks, floors, sidewalks, walls, and concrete. 103-LVX
        can be mixed with sand to fill in large holes and cracks in concrete and has enough
        strength to withstand heavy forklift traffic. 103-LVX seals against leaks without shrinkage
        and is also used to laminate fiberglass cloth to existing fiberglass, wood, metal, or
        Mix very well, scraping down the sides of the mixing bucket to ensure that all of the resin
        and hardener gets mixed together.
        Application for Heavy Duty Non-Skid Surface for Metal, Concrete, Wood, or
        1. Surface must be clean, dry, and free from oil or grease.
        2. Mix 1 gallon of the 103LVX. Roll or brush evenly on approx. 120 sq. ft. of surface. On
        smaller areas use proportionately less epoxy.
        3. While epoxy is wet, broadcast quartz aggregate evenly on surface (other non-skid
        particles may be substituted for quartz). The epoxy should stay wet enough to receive
        the aggregate for at least 1 hour. Use aggregate size in accordance to roughness
        desired - #30-65 aggregate is an average non-skid surface.
        4. Continue above procedure until entire surface is covered with aggregate.
        5. Allow to dry. Sweep off loose aggregate.
        6. Apply a thin coat of mixed 103LVX epoxy over the aggregate surface. Squeegee the
        epoxy down tight so that there are no puddles of epoxy. The surface should have an
        even texture appearance.
        #103-LVX — Low Viscosity

        Working Time: Mixed product must be used within 30
        Gel Time: Thin Coats: 4-6 hours / Thick Coats: 2-4 hours
        Set Time: Thin Coats: 6-8 hours / Thick Coats: 4-6 hours
        Cure Time: 24 hours / Up to 72 hours for full cure.

        Working Time: Mixed product must be used within 20 min.
        Gel Time: Thin Coats: 1-2 hours / Thick Coats: 20-25 Min.
        Set Time: Thin Coats: 4-6 hours / Thick Coats: 2-4 Min.
        Cure Time: 24 hours / Up to 72 hours for full cure.

        Times are based on an ambient temperature of 72-80°F
        Thicker applications and warmer temperatures will make the epoxy cure faster.
        Thinner applications and cooler temperatures will make the epoxy cure slower.

          • SKU
          • Weight
            4.25 lbs
        • Mixing Ratio
        • Select Kit Size
          3 Pint Kit (Quart of Part 1 & Pint of Part 2), 3 Quart KIt (1/2 Gallon of Part 1 & Quart of Part 2), 1.5 Gallon Kit (Gallon of Part 1 & 1/2 Gallon of Part 2), 3 Gallon Kit (2 Gallons of Part 1 & Gallon of Part 2), 15 Gallon Kit (10 Gallons of Part 1 & 5 Gallons of Part 2), 75 Gallon Kit (50 Gallons of Part 1 & 25 Gallon of Part 2), 150 Gallon Kit (100 Gallons of Part 1 & 50 Gallons of Part 2)
        • Select Hardener
          Slow, Regular
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